Julia Corinne Photo

Julia Sawers, owner of Julia Corinne Photo

We’re back! Between moving into the RV lately, then a case of food poisoning this weekend, I’ve been a little MIA. This next feature is the first photographer feature on Homegrown and you’re about to see a lot of pictures of my family. Julia has such great vibes and energy! I’m not sure how to explain her vibe, but it’s somewhere between way cooler than me and outdoorsy, with an energy that is so chill and comforting. You can check her out on Instagram and Facebook, but read on to hear her story and see some of the work she has done for me!

Julia began shooting back in 2011 soon after graduating high school. Seeing some of her friends senior shoots inspired her to take the leap into professional photography, so she convinced some of her friends to let her do their senior pictures, she was “immediately hooked”, and Julia Corinna Photo was born! Her business has grown and changed so much over the last 11 years, which is one of her favorite parts of being a photographer. “There are no stagnant moments in being a small business owner.” says Julia. With constant evolvement and growth, Julia Corinne Photo is not the same as it once was. Changes in style, industry needs, and skills have all come into play with the work you will see from her today.

One of the first shoots Julia ever did for me was mine and Hunter’s engagement shoot!

Within the years of work growth, has been personal growth that is directly correlated to her work. Julia said she used to be willing to do anything when she first started out. She would shoot anywhere, at anytime of day, and expected so much 0ut of herself. She says that simplifying things over the years has helped her tremendously. By allowing herself to fine-tune what she wants to be as a photographer she has become happier than ever before in herself and in her work. When first starting out, she followed many people that she said looked successful and it had her convinced that their way was the only way to do things. This lead her down the path of taking on too much work and creating projects that didn’t truly fulfill her.

Baby bumps to milestone pictures, she’s captured it all!

It wasn’t an easy feat to find mentors or education in this field that was in line with who SHE was as a person. She has finally found that balance within herself and her work, where she is happy with what she takes on and the work she produces. She knows that her work or style may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and that's okay! Having someone feel comfortable and be themselves is the most important when it comes to getting great images. '“There’s only so much editing you can do to an image”, but genuine happiness and comfort always shines through. She loves for her clients to feel themselves and never wants someone to feel unhappy when they get the final image copies. One of her favorite things about her business is seeing her work in someones home. Whether it’s a 4x6 framed print or a large format canvas, it means so much to her that her clients love the outcome of her work so much that they want to display it in their home. She says it is an honor and puts her over the moon!

I have so many special moments and memories that Julia has captured for me, as you have seen throughout this blog. You can even find her work in my real estate listing pictures and the headshots for my social media pages and my marketing signs! She is so easy going and so good at what she does. I love the way she has made us feel during shoots and she is so patient with us during the moments that Hunter is getting tired of being there (literally 5 minutes in) or when Sawyer won’t smile or cooperate. Check out Julia’s work, set up a meeting, get to know her, and hopefully she’ll be a great fit for your next photo needs! Besides displaying work in your home, you can support her on social media with follows, likes, and shares. Thank y’all for continuing to help me support our local dream chasers!


Real Estate headshots throughout my career, by Julia


Spot On Coffee


“Flamingle” Down 181 Shopping Event